by Hazel Ryerson, CAPS | Job Caption/Project Designer One of the challenges I’ve run into at the KMA Design Studio is how to balance the regulatory accessibility requirements for multifamily [...]
by Hazel Ryerson, CAPS | Job Caption/Project Designer I’ve been a fan of Lawrence Halprin since coming across, “Cities” in grad school. “Cities”, written in 1969, is a catalogue of the basic [...]
by Kathryn Denis | Access Planner I recently took part in a panel discussion at the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) on micro-units and accessibility. Along with Bill Henning, executive [...]
Within residential facilities, there is a growing trend to provide pet-friendly amenities such as dog washing areas. Like pets, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In addition to being [...]
Expert Witness: Lessons Learned KMA serves as an expert witness for a national developer of multifamily housing in its defense of an FHA discrimination case by an advocacy group. A ruling last [...]
The United States is facing an aging crisis of unprecedented proportions. Advances in health care and medicine continue to increase our longevity, such that by 2050 the number of US residents [...]
As states adopt IBC 2012, the referenced accessibility standard will be A117.1-2009. Below are some of the requirements for Type A units that differ from those found in A117.1-2003: Exterior [...]
The 2012 IBC references A117.1-2009 for accessibility. If you have been working with the 2003 A117.1 on multifamily housing projects, here are some of the changes to be aware of for Type B units [...]
“Micro-housing” is one of the biggest trends in multi-family housing today, particularly in Boston where the first units have now opened in the Innovation District. At the same time, the City and [...]