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 In Housing, Multi-Family Housing, Technical Clarifications

As states adopt IBC 2012, the referenced accessibility standard will be A117.1-2009. Below are some of the requirements for Type A units that differ from those found in A117.1-2003:

    • Exterior balconies are not required to provide clear maneuvering space on the exterior side of the door when balconies are not deep enough. Turning space is also not required to be provided in these instances.

schematic drawing of exterier balcony

    • Balconies deep enough to provide clear maneuvering space on the exterior side of a door must also provide turning space.exterior balcony turning space reqs
    • Electrical panel boards located in dwelling units are now required to be within reach. They do not need to be operable without pinching, tight grasping or twisting.schematic for controls reach range
    • Clear floor space at kitchen sinks no longer needs to be centered. It may be offset to accommodate a drain pipe or garbage disposal.
      schematic drawing of CFS in front of sink
    • Turning space is not required in closets unless they are deeper than 48”.schematic fo turning space in a closet deeper than 48Closet with less than 48