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 In Haiti, Accessibility

By Stéphane Pierre Louis | Associate

Cover of the Practical Guide to Accessibility funded by CBM. All text is in French. The central image is the international symbol for accessibility. Radiating out of this image are three spheres, one representing public space, one representing establishments open to the public, and one representing residential buildings for rentalKMA traveled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in May 2018 to improve its understanding of the country’s accessibility efforts and meet with several NGOs and stakeholders who have been involved in the efforts. At the time of the visit, Haiti was in the process of passing its first-ever accessibility regulations. The Christian Blind Mission (CBM)  took the country’s social context into consideration in their development of a user-friendly technical guide, Guide Pratique D’Accessibilité, that included not only technical diagrams but also colorful illustrations to highlight key points in the new regulations. KMA was honored to participate as the principal drafter of technical diagrams in this pioneering moment.

KMA extends a heartfelt thank you to CBM, the Secretary of State for the Integration of People with Disabilities, GDSI+, SHAA, and all of those who not only made our trip fruitful and efficient but also did the hard work required to move Haiti’s accessibility movement forward.

We look forward to future collaborations with our partners in Haiti.